About Meadow Vista County Water District

Meadow Vista County Water District was established in 1950. It currently provides treated water to approximately 1,500 customers living in the Meadow Vista and Applegate area. Our goal is, and always has been, to provide our customers with a safe and dependable supply of water. Meadow Vista County Water District consistently provides drinking water that meets and even exceeds State and Federal standards.

The District’s water supply source is the Sierra snowmelt run-off from the Yuba and Bear River water sheds flows through Lake Spaulding, and the Pacific Gas and Electric (PG&E) Drum Forebay. Water is conveyed from Drum Forebay through Placer County Water Agency’s (PCWA) Boardman Canal to the Meadow Vista County Water District’s water treatment plant where it is treated according to the California Department of Health Services regulations.

Recent News

2023 Consumer Confidence Report

Our goal is, and always has been, to provide you with a safe and dependable supply of water. Your drinking water consistently meets and exceeds State and Federal standards. We are committed to providing you with information because informed customers are our best allies.

Read the entire Consumer Confidence Report >>

You May Now View Your Bills Online

Our customers may now view their monthly water bills online. First create an online account by clicking on the link provided below:

Create Your Login Account Here >>

Read the 2022 Consumer Confidence Report

California water retailers must meet standards established by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the State water Quality Control Board (State Board), Division of Drinking Water. The State Board enforces drinking water standards within the State. Under State and Federal laws, we are required to send you an annual report on our water quality. Included are details about where your water comes from, what it contains, and how it compares to standards.

Read the rest of the report >>

Water Shutoff Moratorium

The State’s water shutoff moratorium is expected to end October 1, 2021. Any past due balances should be paid to avoid a disruption in service.

Water Shutoff Protection Act

Pursuant to Section 116900 of the Health and Safety Code, Meadow Vista Water District (MVCWD) will not terminate residential service for nonpayment when specific conditions are met.

Meadow Vista County Water District
17000 Placer Hills Road
Meadow Vista, CA 95722

Rain Totals for 2024-2025

July 0.00″
August 0.51″
September 0.00″
October 1.45″
November 0.00″
December 8.40″
January 0.00″
February 0.00″
March 0.00″
April 0.00″
May 0.00″
June 0.00″
Seasonal Total 10.36″
Seasonal Avg. 48.91″